Sep 24, 2020
The classic fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen (lightly adapted by Kathleen) about a Queen who devises a special test to prove whether or not a young girl who knocks on the palace door in the middle of a storm and claims to be a princess, is really of royal blood or not. (duration - 6 minutes)
Sep 17, 2020
One spring evening, the Moon sends one of her children to a poor childless couple and tells that she will be theirs to look after for 18 years. A beautiful folktale from Japan that celebrates wisdom, kindness, and goodness. (duration - 8 minutes) An episode from Journey with Story, a storytelling podcast...
Sep 10, 2020
A herd of elephants and a community of mice learn to live together in friendship and harmony in an abandoned Indian village - An old Indian folktale that celebrates the truth that kindness breeds kindness. (duration 9 minutes) An episode from Journey with Story, a storytelling podcast for kids.
Sep 3, 2020
When a holy man grants three wishes to a poor Indian couple who are living a very miserly life, they discover the secret to happiness lies in friendship, generosity, and treasuring your family. A perfect tale to remind us of that old adage - be careful what you wish for. (duration 8minutes) An episode from Journey...