Feb 27, 2020
Clever Anansi is determined to become wise and so he tries to trick the villagers into giving him their wisdom, only to discover that being clever is not the same as being wise. A lively trickster tale from Africa. (duration -6 minutes) An episode from Journey with Story, a storytelling podcast for kids....
Feb 20, 2020
When Little Red Riding Hood sets off to visit her sick grandma, she forgets her mother's warning, and strays off the path through the woods, only to meet - the big bad wolf! The classic fairy tale, lightly adapted by Kathleen with a not so scary ending! (Duration - 8 minutes) An episode from Journey with Story, a...
Feb 13, 2020
Hector McGregor lives in a higgledy-piggledy house with a cheery wife, five children, and a hen called Hattie. He can invent just about anything that needs inventing until....he leaves his house to go and work in a laboratory in the city. A tale to remind us the source of true inspiration is - LOVE. Perfect story to...
Feb 6, 2020
The old King of Dorchester has his very own orchestra and his fiddles and his flutes are the finest in the land. A fun poem by James Reeves that teaches children about the musical instruments of an orchestra. (duration - 3 minutes) An episode from Journey with Story, a storytelling podcast for kids.